Every effort is being made to ensure that two vital Somerset bus services continue to run, MP Ian Liddell-Grainger has promised.
Because of funding shortages a large question mark currently hangs over the 25 service between Taunton and Dulverton and the 28 service from Taunton to Minehead.
But Mr Liddell-Grainger, MP for Bridgwater and West Somerset, says he has been having intense discussions with county councillors and officials to try to find ways in which both can be retained, albeit with a slimmed-down timetable.
Mr Liddell-Grainger said he was heartened by the protests organised by the Somerset Bus Partnership in support of retaining threatened routes - including the Taunton-Yeovil and Yeovil-Wincanton services which are under threat of being withdrawn completely.
And he said he remained hopeful that the services west of Taunton could be saved.
“I think it is generally agreed that we need to match bus provision to demand - and that this has not always been happening in the past,” he said.
“There have been far too many buses running nearly empty at times of the day when they are not really needed yet - particularly on the 28 route - full to overflowing at times of peak usage.
“That local people value their buses is in no doubt, given the volume of the protests now being made. Neither is it in any doubt that it would be a massive blow to college students, to people catching trains, or hospital patients attending Musgrove Park Hospital if the buses simply disappeared.
“The introduction of the £2 bus fare has certainly stimulated demand and I hope that it can be retained to encourage people to become regular users.
“I think most travellers would be content to see less frequent services along these two routes as long as they were still able to use them.
“I have a met the bus operators and have further discussions timetabled with the county council, and I hope between us we can arrive at a satisfactory outcome.”